Call to order: 7:30 PM
1) New Members: Joe Pusfahl
28 members were present at the meeting
2) President-Karen:
a) A vote will be taken at the next meeting concerning
an addendum to section VIII of the Club By-laws:
The Executive Board has the authority to install additional "Members at large"- with no voting privileges, when deemed necessary.
b) First aid kits-their composition, and who should have them (definetely ride leaders)
Gloves, id, different size bandages, tape, blood clotting agent, antiseptic wipes, advil or tylenol, Diphen pills, antacids
c) 6 Gold Coast jerseys in men’s and women’s sizes to sell
3) VP-Ride Chairman-John: ride leader points posted
Following rules are important. No one should go in front of the ride leader at anytime.
For Ride leaders, there are Jerseys (vintage) to be taken for free
August 21, 2022 John Greene and John Siedlecki will be riding up to Montreal, Canada and will talk about it at the next meeting
4) Sec-Pat: all is well
5) Treasurer-Gregg: As of August 1st-Gold Coast was very successful. Money will be adequate for emergency funding of the club
6) Membership-Sal: no report
7) Webmaster-Malachy: New way to renew memberships earlier and the new Trial memberships (free for 30 days)
8) Gold Coast-Steve: donation made to John Ray of Kids Need More -given by Steve Labiner ($2500)
Told about charity - provide everything for children with cancer while spending a great week in camps.
Passed out Scott's Balls protein material
Showed a slide show of the Gold Coast Ride
90 riders responded to the survey - liked the group led rides
9) Social Media-Barry: no report
Featured speaker-Harvey told about his trip on the Erie Canal Bikeway
50/50 $42
Joe picked: Frank Van Brunt who added money for a Gold Coast Jersey
John Ray for a Gold Coast bag and shirt
Bob McCloughlin - Gold Coast Bag and shirt
Maria Basile’farash - Gold Coast Bag and Shirt
Steve Siegal - Gold Coast Bag and Shirt
8:50 PM Called to adjourn, Karen/second-Scott
Next meeting: September 13
Patricia Kalvar, HBC Secretary