Meeting of the
Huntington Bicycle Club
September 13, 2022
Call to order: 7:20 PM 30 members present
New members present: Lenore
Accept minutes from Aug meeting, Scott motioned/Harvey Seconded
Pres-Karen: Stony Brook Bed & Bike Inn giving discount to members for their bike ride, October 9
Look at the events on the Ride Calendar for the discount.
Explained the need to change the By-laws thru the on-line vote: in order to have an assistant Treasurer on board, as Gregg has moved.
Thanks to Gregg for his diligence and for helping the club get all the accounts in order.
In the works: Bike Rodeo, asked if anyone had a connection with the Boys or Girl Scouts for help.
Swap meet- site needed
Meeting with leaders of other clubs-SBRA and Massapequa
SBRA is not doing any more events due to costs of permits and parking, and there are questions about the worth of doing it. They prefer to concentrate on club events and fundraisers instead
A worthy donation: PEDAL POWER FOR KENYAN EDUCATION – GlobalGiving
Bruce Feinberg- speedy recovery
Susan Farren- condolences on losing mom
VP/Ride Chairman-John: Sign up to ride! Local and remote rides
Treasurer’s report: via zoom Gregg, and Anthony is present.
Sec-Pat: everything status quo
Membership-Sal: 486 memberships New trial memberships-for one month, free access to allrides.
Tour of the Hamptons this weekend - on the website are HBC members riding and their distances. Sign up to organize meet-ups and riding companions.
Forums for subgroups-not successful
The Board is considering creating a Classified page dedicated to bike related items for sale.
Featured speakers: John and John, showing slides and talking about their trip up to Vermont from Northport.
Fantastic trip!!!!
50/50-Lenore picked the first winner: Barbara $41
Goody bag and t shirt- Joe DiPalma, Bruce Wessinger, Tom Fyerro, Don Natiello
Adjourned, 8:59 PM
Next meeting October 11th
Pat Kalvar, Secretary