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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 11/19/2022
Subject: Folks on Spokes, November, 2022
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

            A Message From the President
     The annual elections are over and I want to personally thank all of those who have availed themselves to serve the HBC. Thank you to Jeff and Pam for running for Board positions as well.
The actual election numbers are posted below and also on the Website. Thank you to Webmasters Malachy and Arne for overseeing this endeavor. 
     To all, please volunteer for HBC leadership positions! Please email us if you have comments or suggestions!
We always need more people involved, and as we extend our reach via the Social networks,
we need your input even more!
      Kudos to HBC member, Nina Kuscsik. There was a three page article in Newsday about her, and her impact and influence in the Women's running world. She was the first woman to finish the New York City and Boston Marathons. She has been an advocate for recognition and inclusion of women in the professional running world. She has been a world class ranked runner, and a proponent for Women in the sport. See the articles below.
But of course, she's a cyclist!
      Our last meeting was very eventful, as Larry presented a slide show of many of his remote rides.
His philosophy is that he wants to lead organized rides on roads less traveled by cars, and also very scenic.
Well, that eliminates many of the routes near us, unfortunately. You will see all of his posted routes in the HBC RWGPS library. The breweries and wineries may not be indicated there, so you have to join one of his rides in person  next year to imbibe!
       The official ride calendar continues through the end of the month, so let's get out there and spin before it gets too cold, snowy or icy. Rides depart at 9:00 from Smith Street, 8:30 or 9:00 from Breezy. There will be a Thanksgiving morning ride, as well. Depending upon the weather, Black Friday is a great day to work off those pumpkin pies!
      This will be the last Folks on Spokes until early next year. Updates about Club events will be emailed as deemed necessary. 
       Have a great holiday season, good health and safe riding to all!

Malachy's annual
"Doc's Ride".
St. James, thru Port Jeff to Rocky Point
Picture taken at the new Gazebo in Belle Terre.
Remembering a special person!
     From the Webmaster, Malachy
                           HBC Website
                 These are the latest updates:
LAB BLOG Posts: ClubExpress and LAB are now working together to provide LAB content
directly on ClubExpress bicycle websites. So far, they have posted a series of BLOG posts. Under
the Social Media Menu there is now a BLOG submenu. We have one member BLOG and a LAB
BLOG post. When you open the LAB BLOG post there is an index on the left side of the posts
they have provided so far. Any member interested in posting a BLOG post, let Malachy Oconnor
know and he will give you "Author" rights.

Ride Start Location page: There is now a Ride Start Location page on the website. There is a link to it on the Homepage, and there is also a submenu for it under the Rider Info on the main Menu. This page is available on the Public Menu as well as the Member’s Menu. Previously, when potential members came to the website, they would see the Ride Calendar and Upcoming Rides on the Homepage. However, when they clicked on a ride they were prompted to login. As a result, they would not be able to access any information about the ride. Now, with this new page they can at least see
where and when the rides start.
*Hopefully, this will be helpful and encourage non members to try out a ride with us.

Classified Ads: There was a Referendum on the recent election ballot asking club members if
they supported purchasing a Classified Ads module for the website. Based on the results of that
vote, the Board approved the purchase. There is now a Classifieds Menu that has two sub-
menus. There is a PDF document that explains how to use the Classified Ads module and a link
to the Ads themselves. Any member can now post bicycle related items for sale subject to
approval. In addition, the Classified Ads are also posted on the Public Menu. One does not have to be a member in order to review the Classified postings.
Social Media Director: We are in need of a new Social Media Director. This person will oversee
our Facebook Group, Instagram page, Strava Group and monitor the Classified Ads module.
Anyone interested in this position please contact Malachy O'Connor.
Larry's presentation
More remote routes

Great minds of the cycling world hard at work!

                       Minutes from the

                          HBC Meeting

                           Nov.15, 2022


Call to order: 7:20 PM 

28 members in attendance in total including executive board members


Minutes from October and September meeting have been approved Scott/Harvey



 Nina Kuscik member of the HBC who was the first woman to win the NY  and Boston marathons.

She also won the race to run up the Empire State Building. She was in Newsday a few weeks ago. She is still an active HBC member. Award for contributions for female runners
 2023, Gold Coast will be different
Next year will involve more away rides
Opening for a Social Media Director, post job description

           Oversee: Facebook page, Strava page, Instagram and the new Classified Ads



VP/Ride Chairman-John

2 more riding weekends left 
Next year’s calendar: April 1- November 30
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday rides for Thanksgiving holiday
Gift card or ride leader jersey (same as last year) for ride leader points
Rides will be posted throughout the year 
Vote was close
Volunteer as much as possible



 Last report from Gregg
January is the month that all fees for sites and insurance are due
Board Insurance is up in January, the more expensive Rider insurance is up in Feb.
We are in good shape but all expenses are going up
Please email him with questions



At least I am always at meetings doing my job
I show up!

 Membership -Sal 

2 new members
475 members


HBC Board-Scott/Malachy-Election results

Arne explained how the vote was done
61 ballots
It was all anonymous 
Manual recount, a la Georgia!
Election worked smoothly
Pres- Karen, VP/ride chairman-John, Secretary-Pat, Treasurer-Anthony, Board members - Sal and Steve 

            The Referendum for the Classified ads vote was: yes



Club express Classified ads have been enabled
How to use guide for posting ads



Looking at feasibility at this time
Looking to go east
Will update at the next meeting



$65 for gold coast shirts


Featured Speaker-Larry Denbaum

Progress for club riding and remote rides


50/50 raffle/Bill Imhoff

Raffle bags/Matt F, John Malone, John Malone, Frank V


Adjourn: 9:00 PM they didn’t warn us!



Pat Kalvar (secretary)



View this Newsletter on our Website at Club/Newsletters