A Message From the President
The annual elections are over and I want to personally thank all of those who have availed themselves to serve the HBC. Thank you to Jeff and Pam for running for Board positions as well.
The actual election numbers are posted below and also on the Website. Thank you to Webmasters Malachy and Arne for overseeing this endeavor.
To all, please volunteer for HBC leadership positions! Please email us if you have comments or suggestions!
We always need more people involved, and as we extend our reach via the Social networks,
we need your input even more!
Kudos to HBC member, Nina Kuscsik. There was a three page article in Newsday about her, and her impact and influence in the Women's running world. She was the first woman to finish the New York City and Boston Marathons. She has been an advocate for recognition and inclusion of women in the professional running world. She has been a world class ranked runner, and a proponent for Women in the sport. See the articles below.
But of course, she's a cyclist!
Our last meeting was very eventful, as Larry presented a slide show of many of his remote rides.
His philosophy is that he wants to lead organized rides on roads less traveled by cars, and also very scenic.
Well, that eliminates many of the routes near us, unfortunately. You will see all of his posted routes in the HBC RWGPS library. The breweries and wineries may not be indicated there, so you have to join one of his rides in person next year to imbibe!
The official ride calendar continues through the end of the month, so let's get out there and spin before it gets too cold, snowy or icy. Rides depart at 9:00 from Smith Street, 8:30 or 9:00 from Breezy. There will be a Thanksgiving morning ride, as well. Depending upon the weather, Black Friday is a great day to work off those pumpkin pies!
This will be the last Folks on Spokes until early next year. Updates about Club events will be emailed as deemed necessary.
Have a great holiday season, good health and safe riding to all!