A Message from the President
It's the end of February and we're all looking forward to the beginning of the riding season. The Board has been busy planning ahead for the coming year. Our first Club meeting will be March 8th at 7:00 PM at the Harborfields Library. There will be a proposal to amend the By-Laws, by separating the Vice President and Ride Chairman positions. This would add another member to the Executive Board. The Vice President and Ride Chairman's job descriptions will be discussed at the March 8th meeting. Daniel Flanzig will be the featured speaker, updating us on bike related legislations and the laws applying to EBikes.
Please sign up for this, as we will be having pizza, cookies and drinks and need to know how much to order.
Thank you, Arne for taking on management of the Classified Ads. Now, members, start using it! That being said, we are still in need of a Social Media Chair. If you are somewhat familiar with Facebook, Instagram and Strava, you may be our person! Please contact one of the Board members if you are interested.
The Board is concerned about HBC member involvement and general participation, so please take a few moments to answer this survey. It will really help us with planning events and weekly rides.
*All of the responses are anonymous, and you need to be logged onto the HBC Website in order to access this survey.
HBC Member Survey
Speaking of rides (that's why we're here!), the Ride Leader meeting is on Tuesday, March 21, 7:00 PM at the Library.
If you are interested in becoming a Ride Leader, or are currently one, please join us. Larry is the new Ride Chairman,
and has much to share as we prepare for the start of the official riding season.
HBC is involved in running a Bike Rodeo, as sponsored by AAA. This is a great opportunity for us to connect with children and their parents learning to ride on the roads properly and safely.
We will need about 15 volunteers for this project, on Saturday, April 15 at the Harborfields Library. Timing will be from 8 AM to 3 PM (this includes set up and clean up. The children report at 10 AM). There will be 2 sections of parking areas roped off in order to implement this event. Look for a sign up (and email reminders) on the Web page.
Gold Coast update: The great news is that there will be a Gold Coast this year. It is scheduled for July 9, originating from Harborfields High School. It will be named, Gold Coast East, as all the routes will go east. There will be a 25, 42 and a Metric Century. At this time, we are still waiting for permits to be confirmed. There will be rest stops and road markings as in previous Gold Coasts.
On the horizon, put in your calendars tentatively: Multi Club ride with SBRA and MPBC, Sunday, August 6th. There will be more information on this as it gets confirmed. Another event: August 18 to 20, the Covered Bridge Ride in Lancaster, PA. This is a weekend surrounding the Covered Bridge Ride (that has expanded to 5 different mileage choices) on the 20th. Past President, Lou has availed himself to give guided bike tours around Lancaster before and after the big ride. This has been a really great event in the past, and is worth considering. Details about housing, meals etc... to be shared at the March meeting.
An update on the progress of the Long Island Greenway, pictured below.
Go to this link for much more info:
I hope to see many of you at our first meeting of the year, March 8th.
Happy and safe riding,