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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 3/30/2023
Subject: Folks on Spokes, March 2023
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

           A Message from the President

The official ride season is beginning this weekend. Please keep a lookout for the weather conditions.
Rides that are scheduled for Saturday, April 1st may be postponed to Sunday or cancelled depending
upon the leader's availability and the weather conditions.
Check you email for alerts, as this is the standard procedure for the entire riding season.

                Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, April 4th-Club meeting featuring Sal Levy and 25 years of club trip pictures/videos.  Please register for this, it will be a treat for the eyes (and an earful, as he will have a sound track that features all of our favorite riding tunes)

  Saturday, April 15- Bike Rodeo, at the Harborfields Library, sponsored by AAA. Volunteers are still needed. Sign up on the Web page.

Sunday, July 9-Gold Coast East update: Registration will open April 14th

Sunday, August 6th-Multi Club ride with SBRA and MPBC, details and location TBD

Sunday, August 20-Covered Bridge Ride in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Registration opens April 4th   Details about housing and meals will be shared as soon as they are verified.

(keep open the weekend of Aug.18-20)




I look forward to seeing everyone as we start another season of safe and fun cycling!
Thank you to HBC member Meredith Lewin.
She designed this year's Gold Coast East logo!

The Ride Leader meeting, March 21st
Larry got everybody excited about starting off the new ride season on April 1st.
Please contact him if you are interested in leading!
Happy April Birthdays to our members!

Jose Arevalo
April 3
Maria Basile-Farash
April 4
Michael Shapiro
April 4
William S Gardner
April 4
Raymond D Herrick
April 5
Lyn M Martinez
April 5
Joseph Stafford
April 7
Sebastian Atiencia 
April 13
David Davis
April 14
Elise Belilos
April 15
April 16
Susan Fox
April 16
April 16
wilfredo romero
April 17

Arvind Rishi
April 19
James B Swan
April 21
Andrew S Pfau
April 21
John Ferrante
April 22
Holly Jonas
April 22
Holly Jonas
April 22
Conor White
April 23
Grant Fox
April 25
Donna Buehler
April 25
stephen M farrell
April 27
David M Gordon
April 27

Huntington Bicycle Club

 General meeting


Meeting called to order 7:30

Looking forward to a great new riding season

Introduce new members- none

Approve minutes from November 2022- Motion: Scott/Mike


President’s Report:


Reviewing Survey -40 responses (out of 400 members)

  1. Shorter rides wanted
  2. destination favorites
  3. More and B and C rides
  4. More remote rides
  5. Problem with not having enough ride leaders ( more different levels for mid- week rides)

    Suggestion of adding a Survey when renewing membership -Sal will write questions


    Bike Rodeo- April 15th -Saturday

    At Harborfields Library, in circle and side.

    The Sign-up to volunteer on HBC website was demonstrated. 20 people are needed

        Bike safety presentation at the library April 11th, 6:30. Arne, Malachy and Karen will present. This will be directed towards parents and children. We need some kids’ bikes for this presentation. This will be a prelude to the Bike Rodeo.


    Plans for this year:

       Ride Leader meeting, March 21, 7 PM at the library

       Official ride season, Sat., April 1st

       Gold Coast East, July 9

     First weekend in August (Sunday Aug 6), multi club ride, details TBD

    Must find a location. First Sunday of the month. Need a place with food at the end

    Aug. 18-20, Covered Bridge weekend in Lancaster PA

    Lou will lead some local rides-Saturday and Monday, in addition to the big event. Should be a great weekend

    *Announced that next month there will be a vote to amend the By-laws to make VP and Ride Chairman 2 separate positions, both as voting members of the Board.

          Larry, the new Ride Chairman spoke briefly about the goals to excite people about leading and participating on rides.


    VP’s report-Please attend the ride leader meeting!


    Sec- everything good

    Treasurer-Anthony giving first summary

    Insurance went up significantly 25% to about $9 per person- discussion of raising dues or fees for Gold Coast for the following year

    Budget looks good

    Membership dues coming in as expected


    Membership-Sal down ten memberships since last month


    GC East-Steve

  6. July 9th will be the date of the Gold Coast
  7. Ride to be fully supported
  8. Ride to go east, duh
  9. Lawyer to send out letters to alert towns and county.
  10. Open to non-members
  11. Will need a lot of volunteers
  12. Less turns going east with long stretches which will be better for road markings


Webmaster-Malachy: Ads

Classified Ads - Board approved the module

Purchasers can email/call the seller directly

Directions for posting were shown


Featured speaker, Dan Flanzig, Avid Cyclist and Bike lawyer

Discussed procedures to do after a crash; watched some accident scenarios 

Bike and safety legislation updates. Laws concerning ebikes



Scott Gross won $22

Next meeting, April 4th


Pat Kalvar, HBC Secretary



Caumsett with Matt
There are easier ways to sell your bike and related equipment.
Use the HBC Classified Ads!

View this Newsletter on our Website at Club/Newsletters