Problem with not having enough ride leaders ( more different levels for mid- week rides)
Suggestion of adding a Survey when renewing membership -Sal will write questions
Bike Rodeo- April 15th -Saturday
At Harborfields Library, in circle and side.
The Sign-up to volunteer on HBC website was demonstrated. 20 people are needed
Bike safety presentation at the library April 11th, 6:30. Arne, Malachy and Karen will present. This will be directed towards parents and children. We need some kids’ bikes for this presentation. This will be a prelude to the Bike Rodeo.
Plans for this year:
Ride Leader meeting, March 21, 7 PM at the library
Official ride season, Sat., April 1st
Gold Coast East, July 9
First weekend in August (Sunday Aug 6), multi club ride, details TBD
Must find a location. First Sunday of the month. Need a place with food at the end
Aug. 18-20, Covered Bridge weekend in Lancaster PA
Lou will lead some local rides-Saturday and Monday, in addition to the big event. Should be a great weekend
*Announced that next month there will be a vote to amend the By-laws to make VP and Ride Chairman 2 separate positions, both as voting members of the Board.
Larry, the new Ride Chairman spoke briefly about the goals to excite people about leading and participating on rides.
VP’s report-Please attend the ride leader meeting!
Sec- everything good
Treasurer-Anthony giving first summary
Insurance went up significantly 25% to about $9 per person- discussion of raising dues or fees for Gold Coast for the following year
Budget looks good
Membership dues coming in as expected
Membership-Sal down ten memberships since last month
GC East-Steve