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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 6/29/2023
Subject: Folks on Spokes, June, 2023
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

A Message from the President

The Gold Coast East is just around the corner. We are all hoping for the weather and air conditions 
to be favorable for great riding on July 9th. 
                A few reminders about the Gold Coast and the Club: 
The Club meeting scheduled for July 5 will be for Board members and Gold Coast Captains/Chairpeople only.                                   
Very important: If you are volunteering and also plan to ride, please register for the GC as a volunteer (no charge). This is for insurance coverage.
Volunteers: Look for an email from your "Captain" about report times and locations.                                                          
Here are a few tasks to be accomplished before, and the morning of the Gold Coast
Tent raising, Saturday 2 PM
Goody Bags, report to Harborfields HS Saturday at 2 PM
Registration/Bagels, report to Harborfields by 6:00 AM

Below you will see updates on Bike Safety legislation, and a report about the Walk/Bike LI Summit on June 8.
Many thanks to Arne for his presentation at the last meeting on basic bike safety, and safely maneuvering intersections. They constitute the most frequent situation in which cyclists have accidents with cars.
Good news! Approved for the Town of Huntington: Park Avenue from Pulaski Road, heading north to 25A, a dedicated Bicycle-only lane.
Bad news : (         This will be done in 2026.

When you get a chance, take a look at this program posted on WLIW's Treasures of New York about the       Empire State Bike trail
        Well worth the time.
        Thanks, James!

Last item: Lancaster Covered Bridge Ride, Sunday August 20th-HBC will have a group down there.  
Look at the posting on the Website for registration and hotel information. There are still rooms available, as well as registration for the ride is still open.

      I hope to see many of you at the Gold Coast East on the 9th of July.
       Be safe and have a Happy 4th!
B and B+ Riders met up at Timberpoint
B Rides to Plainview and Kings Park

Arne's safety presentation
        Advocacy information Updates
      The "Idaho Stop" Law was passed!
     This amends the Vehicle and Traffic Law (V&TL) to allow cyclists to
a) treat a stop light as a stop sign and
b) a stop sign as a yield sign.
     Permitting cyclists to enter an intersection before a light turns green gets them out of truck drivers' blind spots and around vehicles blocking bike lanes—two principal causes of cyclist fatalities. 
So, when riding through Lloyd Harbor, cyclists will not be ticketed for not coming to a complete stop.
     The next law that needs to be passed is the A4346/S1724 (“3-Foot Safe Passing”) This would amend the V&TL to require motorists outside New York City to maintain a minimum 3-foot safe distance while passing cyclists.  NYSDOT considers 3-foot as the minimum passing distance to provide adequate space for bicyclists—and a standard easily understood by motorists.  
      This was discussed at the  WALK BIKE LI Summit at Farmingdale State College, Thursday June 8th. Actually what was discussed about the 3 Foot law is that nobody in Suffolk County knows about it, and the fact that it is the law here.
The Summit was really interesting in hearing from many different people on the complexities of trying to create safer conditions for pedestrians and cyclists. Speakers were representatives of all aspects of the NYS DOT, transportation industry, road designers, State Parks, and engineers.
      The mother of the 13 year old cyclist who was killed on Hempstead Tpke, (the Most Dangerous Road for Cyclists in the US) who was featured in a Bicycling Magazine cover story, spoke about the entire process. In Nassau County, the police tend to be less attentive to taking details at the site of an accident. She didn't learn the details about how her son was hit and killed as he rode across Hempstead Tpke. until 7 months after the accident. She told that he was killed by a 19 year old going at least 70 MPH. She had to hire private investigators to discover that.
      Heartbreaking to say the least. 
The good news from the Summit is that there is now more money allotted to create safer streets for New York. Bike paths are growing in numbers and accessability. Having individual townships obtain the right to be able to lower the speed limits is being pushed in the legislature. Our voices need to be heard, so if you get a link to petition your legislator, please follow through. That is how the Idaho Stop law got passed! 

A Strava "Kudos" to Dr. Scott!
Waiting for a Mechanical
          Happy June and July Birthdays to our members!

Henry A Marquez  June 28                            

Amber Marquez   June 28                             

Lenore Devlin  June 30                                

Jerold P Dornbush  June 30                          

Loren Friedman  July 2                                  

Edward Mendoza  July 4                                  

Dennis Grieser  July 5                                    

Donna Brown  July 5                                      

Tom Gellert  July 7                                       

Ringo Starr  July 7                                          

Joann Stolls  July 7                                       

Karl Chen  July 10                                            

 Brendan Keys  July 12

Donald Desamours  July 16

Elizabeth O'Driscoll  July 16

David Fox  July 17

 Genene R Curcuru  July 18 
Ardon Bransford  July 18
Pat Kalvar  July 21
Krishnamurthy Ravishankar  July 21
Shayaan Malik  July 22
Trevor C Tucci  July 23
Timothy K Carr  July 24
Joseph G Schramm  July 25
Laura Mole  July 26
Rob S Post  July 26
 Michael Leggs  July 26
Anthony S Oliveri  July 26

The Hamptons
Short  Beach and Long Beach

Monthly Meeting of the 

Huntington Bicycle Club - 6-6-23


Call to order: 7:25 PM

· New Member - Dennis Greiser

· Minutes from last meeting approved

· Lancaster, Pennsylvania ride - special rate for rooms $89 Millstream Inn August 19th and 20th

All doubles. Call them and put one onto your own credit card.

· Bike lane to be built on Park Ave. Slated to start on 2026 Town hall meeting 6-7-23 at 7:00pm

· Bike/walk LI Summit Thursday. Karen will bring Gold Coast material. It is on bike/pedestrian safety.



· Ride leaders will go back to previous system where all rides will go through the ride captains

· Please know the ride you are leading

· All ride captains are posted on the web site

· Please sign up for club meetings!!!!



· Getting money for sponsorships etc. everyday

· Insurance is the most expensive

· Income greater than spending

· Doing well = everything is going fine - on track

· Many of the sponsorships will go to the charities: Kids need more and Dementia Society 



·      Will try to post the minutes to the website



·      Membership now climbing - 433 members - up nine since last month


Gold Coast-Steve

· Gold Coast on target with Sponsors and T shirts

· Riders about the same as last year

· Need to get more riders with greater publicity

· Need volunteers to mark roads


Arne Johnson giving a talk on Ride Safety - Discussion

· Raffle 50/50: Bill Imhof - won $14 and bell

· Steve - bell, Arne- bell, Dennis- bell


Adjourned: 8:55 PM


Pat Kalvar




View this Newsletter on our Website at Club/Newsletters