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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 9/30/2023
Subject: Folks on Spokes, September, 2023
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

   A Message from the President
It's October, and weekend rides will be starting at 8:30.
After getting all this rain, I'm sure everybody is itching to go out and ride, or just go outside!
October has many opportunities to join a group ride, whether it's with HBC or one of the 
scheduled events. Please partake, and send pictures!
Saturday, October 7 is the HBC/SBRA (Suffolk Bicycle Riders Association) Multi Club ride.
This is a way to join our Eastern Long Island friends for a ride. Every registration fee of $20
goes to Long Island Cares.
After registering on the HBC site, go to the SBRA link and find the ride level and distance you wish to do.
Contact the ride leader via email or text. Show up when it's indicated.
Everybody should bring food to be donated and food for the return reception.
*The HBC Board has elected to continue giving ride leader points all year.
This means that the ride season (and points for this year) ends November 30.
For points purposes, the next ride season starts December 1st.
 Partee! Please sign up for the Club Fall Extravaganza Party on November 4th. This is your chance to see fellow cyclists in real clothes and talk to each other without yelling, "Car back" or "Hole" in between sentences. 
Hi-lights are: raffle prizes from area bike and liquor stores, and the infamous "Snark" awards.
Details are below.
Next week, there will be a survey sent out about the up and coming elections. You will have the opportunity to nominate someone or yourself, for either a Board, or Executive Board (Press, VP, Sec, Treas) position. The slate of officers as voted on by the Board will be there as well. Keep in mind that if you are nominating someone for the Board, they have to have been a member in good standing for at least 2 years and to have been involved with the Gold Coast, a committee chair or as a Ride Leader.
October 8 is Cycle NY to benefit the NY Bike Coalition. It starts and ends at the Stony Brookside Bed and Bike Inn. HBC members get a 10% discount.
October 14 is the Long Island Mountain Bike Festival, originating in Bethpage State Park.
Sponsored by CLIMB and Trek. (Gold Coast sponsor)
October 15 is the Tour de Cure, a ride that is dedicated to raising money for Diabetes research. Please go to the website and join us for this worthy event! (details below).
Unfortunately, due to low interest, the Jerseys will not be produced. I invite someone to step up and get a design that would appeal to the HBC members. Those who have paid for the jerseys will get a refund in the mail.
Next meeting:
October 10
See you there!
Gold Coast Chair Steve, giving a donation from the HBC to
                         Kids Need More
Steve giving Marty Buchman of the New York Bicycle Coalition a donation from the Gold Coast proceeds. Marty spoke about the Coalition and how this organization is a prime advocacy group for all cyclists. They keep us informed with the status of all legislations that apply to cyclists. This includes getting the 3 Foot law passed statewide, extending Greenways out through Suffolk County, and hopefully, (in our lifetime!) the 5 mile Robert Moses Causeway extension to Gardiner Park. in Bay Shore.

         HBC Autumn Party
Saturday November 4, 2023 @ 6:00pm until 10:00pm

           Harbor Boating Club
           323 West Shore Road
           Huntington, NY 11743
Cost :
$40 per each member in good standing
$40 per guest (1 guest per member max)
$50 per member or guest after October 21, 2023
Includes :
Cocktail Hour - As assortment of hors d'oeuvres
Wine, beer are included
Buffet dinner - salad, pasta, choice of chicken, fish, vegetarian entrees.
Dessert, coffee, and tea
Directions to the Harbor Boating Club:
 Google Map Link

Reserve now by clicking the link below or you can also make your reservation via
the home page on the HBC website.

Please make your reservation early to lock in the $40 price.
The cost goes up to $50 per person after October 21, 2023. Seating is limited to 60 people, so please reply as soon as possible.
                   Click Here to make your Reservation:
.                   HBC Autumn Party 2023 - 11/4/2023

Happy October Birthdays to our members!
Donna Andrino
October 1
Larry Denbaum
October 3
Jerry Wallens
October 4
Allison White
October 5
Mark J Gelbien
October 10
Arne H Johnson
October 15
Byron Lane
October 19


Andrew Cushen
October 19
Paul Corona
October 20
Feng Han
October 20
John P McGovern
October 22
John F Nonnenmann
October 25
Frederic Furuya
October 27

 Malachy's Technology Corner
You can organize your apps into folders to make them easier to find on your Cellphone Home Screen pages.

How to Make a Folder on your Cellphone Home Screen

  • On an Android Long-press an app. Press and hold a finger on the app until you feel a mild feedback vibration and the screen changes.
  • On an iPhone, Touch and hold the Home Screen background until the apps begin to jiggle. Alternately hold an app and select Edit Home Screen.
  • To create a folder, drag an app onto another app, a folder is created with both apps inside it.
  • Drag other apps into the folder. You can have multiple pages of apps in the folder.
  • Unlike the iPhone, the Android doesn't provide a default name for new folders, it appears as an unnamed folder. When a folder is unnamed, nothing displays as the name of the collection of apps.
  • To give the folder a name, long-press the folder. It opens, displays the apps, and launches the Android keyboard. Enter a name for the folder and tap the Done key. The name will be displayed on the Home screen.
  • Use folder names that describe the family of Apps in that folder, i.e., Biking, Finance, Music etc.

  • On the iPhone, the folder is given a name by the system. To rename the folder, touch and hold it, tap Rename, then enter a new name. When you’re finished, tap Done, then tap the Home Screen background twice.

Note: Some phones do this differently. On a Samsung or Google Pixel device, tap the folder to open it, then tap the name to edit it.

Click the following link for a video showing how to create a website icon on your cellphone home screen. It also shows how to group related icons into folders on your cellphone home screen.


HBC ClubExpress Member Profile


The online Member Profile is where you modify your personal information and preferences as a member of HBC. To access your Member Profile, you must first log in. Once you have logged in, the Login prompt is replaced with your name and an arrow. Hover over either of these elements and select Profile.

You can access the following in your Member Profile: Membership Expiration Date, Renew Membership, Basic Member Info, Member Directory Options, Username/Password, Histories, More Member Options, Forums, and Your Website Functions. Each of these items has additional options.   If your membership is due for renewal this is where you can renew. There is a box on the top right that will let you renew early.
Basic Member Information is where you modify your name, address(s), phone number(s), and email address. 
Member Directory is where you decide if and how much information you want to share about yourself with other club members.
User Name / Password is where you can change your login information.
More Member Options is where you can store a Credit Crad, choose to receive or block club emails, and make additional donations.
Histories is where you can review your Transaction, Payment, Event, Donation, and Volunteering History.
Forums is where you set your Forum Defaults and Forum Memberships.
Your Website Functions is where you can manage your Interest Groups, Photo Albums, Classified Ads and Blogs
If you would like to publish your own photo album, click Photo Albums, Add Photo Album, complete the form and save it. Then click the edit pencil to add photos. Once the album exists you can easily add photos from your cellphone. Member Photo Albums are displayed under the Photos Menu.

If you would like to place an Ad, click Classified Ads, Add Classified Ad, complete the form and save it as a draft. Then click the icon next to the  edit pencil to add photos of the item and select Submit. Classified Ads are displayed under the Classified Ads menu.

Greater New York Tour de Cure
         Volunteers are needed
Let's have a club presence!
The event is Sunday October, 15
Hallockville Museum Farm in Riverhead. 
It costs $10 to ride as an individual, the club is donating $250.00 in order to have a team.
If you are interested in being part of an HBC Team, please contact me at
PS, the reception and support are amazing!

Minutes from the meeting of the

 Huntington Bicycle Club



The meeting was called to order by President Gellert at 7:25 PM 

New members Bryan Lane and Peter Hayes were introduced to the assembly.

A motion to approve last meeting’s minutes was made by Steve Labiner and seconded by Do Natiello. The vote to approve was affirmative.

President Gellert informed the assembly that a gift card was being sent to Howie Nussdorf in appreciation of his providing the club with storage facilities for the Gold Coast equipment.

President Gellert offered the attendees Scott’s Balls, in pairs, for their enjoyment.

It was then announced that the enrollment deadline for the Tour of The Hamptons ride being offered by the Massapequa Park Bicycle Club is available until 9/2/2023.

President Gellert informed the assembly of the following upcoming events:

  • 10/07 : SBRA’s multi club ride benefiting Long Island Cares. ($20 fee at registration)
  • 10/08 : CycleNY by the New York Bicycling Coalition at the Stony Brookside Bed and Bike Inn
  • 10/15 The Tour de Cure benefiting the American Diabetes Association ($10 donation) t Hallock Farms
 It was announced that the next club meeting is on 10/10
 Vice President John Greene reminded the attendees about the HBC fall party on 11/04. He stated that there is a 60-person limit. The party is being held at the Harbor Boating Club. Cost is $40 per person.Larry Denbaum, our ride chairman, reminded the assembly that the season was far from over, and that the best riding weather is upon us. He urged everyone to get out and ride. He also stated that we need more ride leaders to be active. He also addressed the issue of safety on the road and pointed out several unsafe behaviors that he observed recently. President Gellert displayed the club’s ride etiquette. 
 The group was reminded that October rides will have an official starting time of 8:30 AM.
 President Gellert reminded the group about the new club jerseys available for purchase. She also pointed out that try-on jerseys were on hand.

Sal Levy informed the assembly that our membership had decreased to 337 from the previous month’s 470. He stated that the reasons for the drop included the expiration of the trial memberships and of last year’s Gold Coast mandatory enrollments.


Steve Labiner introduced John, Melissa and Ray of Kids Need More, who provided a video showing the many benefits provided by their group through Camp Adventure and through the Holiday Gift Program that distributes over $85,000 in toys and gifts to the families connected to the charity.

Marty Buchman, of the NY Bicycling Coalition mentioned all of the advocacy projects in the works, including extending the Greenway throughout all of Long Island, E Bike awareness and NY State laws, and the progress of the Idaho Stop and the 3 Foot law for the state.

Malachy O’Connor presented various computer applications that can be used on a smart phone including setting up an icon on the home page to access the club website. He also presented the new dashboard offered by Club Express.

Malachy then addressed the club policy on off-season rides. He suggested strongly that the policy be amended to include all rides throughout the year in the same category, providing for all levels to be offered and for ride leaders to receive points credit on all rides led regardless of the time of year.


The 50/50 was won by Steven Siegel   

The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 PM.


Sal Levy

View this Newsletter on our Website at Club/Newsletters