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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 10/25/2023
Subject: Folks on Spokes, October, 2023
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

   A Message from the President
     It looks like the last weekend of October will be really fine riding weather, so take advantage of some rides posted at all the different levels. Enjoy the beautiful foliage around us!
    Looking ahead to November, ride departures on the weekends will be 9:00 AM beginning November 4th.
(This does not apply to the Crankin' rides: They all leave at 8:30) Breezy rides may vary according to weather conditions.The end of November is the end of the ride season as far as leader and sweep points are tabulated.
Keep that in mind as we head into the month. December begins the new ride point season.
    Elections will be carried out online and will commence November 8th. Keep an eye out for the email reminder.
Results will be announced at the meeting on November 14.
     November 4th: Multi Club ride with SBRA to benefit LI Cares. After donating $20, go to the SBRA website and see which ride you would like to do. Contact the ride leader via email or text.This is a way to join our Eastern Long Island friends for a ride! Show up when/where as indicated. Everybody should bring food to be donated, and food for the return reception. That night is our Club Autumn party which is filled up as of today.
    Legislative advocacyTake a moment, copy and send the email advocating the passage of the law increasing charges for vehicular homicides and injuries. Currently if a driver injures or kills someone, and they have a suspended or no license, a stolen vehicle or no insurance, the punishment is minimal. See below for the details.
     The Tour de Cure was a successful event, and the routes were really beautiful. They are already planning next year's event and HBC is hoping to get more interest and participation in this very worthy cause to treat and cure Diabetes. Look for their presence at the Gold Coast next year.
     The next Club meeting is November 14. The guest presenter is Tom Gernon from Trek in Plainview.
He will be discussing (and displaying) the recent Shimano recall, E Bikes and Winter gear strategies.
Make sure you sign up for our last meeting of the year!
  See you soon, 
At the monthly meeting on October 10th, the club was treated to a wonderful presentation of pictures (some above and below) and stories from Doug Haluza, about his experiences bicycling across the country in 2016.
There are too many beautiful vistas to share here, so please go to his Blog and read about his many adventures along with advice, if you are insane enough to do this!            
                                     Very cool selfie!

  NY State legislation to be pushed through.
HBC members, please take a moment, copy the email below and send to Both Senator Mannion and Assemblyman Stern:
This bill would punish anybody operating a motor vehicle with a suspended, revoked, no license, or no insurance, who causes serious injury or death to any person, with a class E felony.
Too many people literally get away with murder using their autos illegally and then receive little or no punishment.


      Put this in the subject: SENATE 3602 & ASSEMBLY 6984 2023/2024


Dear Sen. Mannion and Assemblyman Stern:

HBCLI - Huntington Bicycle Club of Long Island wants accountability and consequence for bicyclists injured and killed on Long Island roads. The injuries and deaths are staggering in epidemic numbers and we need action now to reduce the amount of crashes occurring.

Bicyclists are severely injured and killed almost daily in Nassau and Suffolk counties. Additionally, there are numerous hit and run accidents which compound the problem.

Drivers are facing little or no charges for severe injury or death to bicyclists. This legislation would increase charges against drivers who have had their licenses suspended, have no insurance, or are driving a stolen vehicle.

Please prioritize this legislation as it is in dire need.

Thank you for restoring bicycle, pedestrian, car and....

PEOPLE's safety..




your name

HBCLI - Huntington Bicycle Club of Long Island

Happy October and November Birthdays to our members!

John F Nonnenmann
October 25
Frederic Furuya
October 27
Barbara Kasa
October 29
Steven Finkelstein
October 31
Chris Bonadonna
November 2
Josh Labiner 
November 3
Divya Bharadwaj
November 4

Scott L Gross
November 6
Thomas Pirro
November 9
Malachy OConnor
November 9
Harry Brodsky
November 10
Jack Grobe
November 13
Margo Labiner 
November 18
Joseph Pufahl
November 19

Almost halfway on the Tour of the Hamptons 104 mile route.
 Malachy's Technology Corner
New club emails for contacting Board members and                     Committee Chairs


HBC recently switched our email hosting from GoDaddy to ClubExpress.

·     HBC uses GoDaddy to host our Domain, and ClubExpress hosts our website.

·     GoDaddy gave us one free email account included with our Domain,

·     GoDaddy charges $5/month for additional email accounts.

·     They are active email accounts and are accessible using GoDaddy online, Outlook or other email programs.

·     With ClubExpress hosting our email, they give us 5 free forwarding email accounts plus just $5/year for each additional forwarding email account.

·      They also give us as many email accounts as we need for our Forums at no cost.

·     NOTE: These forwarding ClubExpress email accounts are not accessible using any interface. They only work being forwarded to one or more personal email accounts.

·     This allowed us to create forwarding email accounts for all club officers and other club positions. For example: etc... for our Contact US webpage.

·     If you look at the Contact US webpage when not logged into the website you will see the members title, name and a non-linkable email address like

·     If you look at the Contact Us page after logging in, you will also see the cellphone number of the listed member and a linkable email address.

·     Either way both versions of the Contact Us page have a “Send Us an Email” section where people can select who they want to contact. All of these email addresses are forwarded to the members personal email account. This gives HBC an added layer of security.

·     We also created Forum email accounts for the Forums:
Executive Board Forum,
Ride Leader Forum
Safety Forum, 
Road Conditions Forum: 
Gear Tech Forum:
 NOTE: You must be an Opted-in member of the Forum to use these email addresses. 

·     However, the Forums are also Read Only if you are not a Forum member, so you can view the Forums to see if you would be interested in joining any of the ones available to you. You join the Forums and set your Forum preferences in your Profile.

·     What this does for the Forums is allow the Forum members to reply to the emails sent out when someone posts to the Forum.  They will no longer have to go directly to the Forum on the website to reply to a post.

·     Forum members will be able to start new threads by sending an email to the Forum’s email address. 

·     To start a new thread via email, email the address of an active Forum you are a member of (i.e., Your email will create a thread. The title will be whatever you have entered in the Subject field of your email. You can also reply to a Forum message that you receive by email. Simply click the Reply button in your email software. 

·     Forum members would still be able to access the Forum on the website to Post and/or Reply to Posts as they do now.

These features add to the overall functionality and security of the HBC website.



Anthony, in the blue jersey, representing the Club at the CycleNY event at the Stony Brookside Inn, October 8th

Minutes from the 

Meeting of the Huntington Bicycle Club 



The meeting was called to order by President Gellert at 7:27 PM 

There were no new members present.

A motion to approve last meeting’s minutes was made by Scott Gross and seconded by Pam Rogers. The vote to approve was unanimous.


President Gellert praised the Crankin’ Old Men for their consistent and continuous posting and execution of group rides from Bethany Church and from Smith Street throughout the year.

She then acknowledged Bob McLaughlin for his work providing constant leadership both for the group and for rides taken by the group. In appreciation of these efforts, President Gellert presented Bob with an HBC Ride Leader Jersey. John Greene documented the presentation on camera.  

President Gellert continued by recanting the experiences had by herself, John Greene, Malachy O’Connor and Larry Denbaum riding Massapequa Park Bike Club's Tour of the Hamptons. She was especially impressed by the magnetism of the HBC group for several other riders, including a 15-year-old young man that joined them on the ride. There was a positive impact on all of the riders and on our club image.  

President Gellert displayed two letters of appreciation for our donation of $1000 to the Dementia Society of America. The first was from the Society, and the second was from Lois Lubasch, wife of Rich Lubasch. Rich was introduced to the assembly as a long standing, past Vice President and very active member of HBC who is suffering from Frontal Lobe Aphasia. Malachy showed the group some of his pictures on several rides. 

We were also treated to an adorable picture of Julian, the President’s grandson, enjoying his 1st birthday cupcake.


Anthony Oliveri gave the Treasurer’s report (Malachy also showed where the report may be accessed on our website.) Anthony stated our assets were in good shape partially due to a $4,000 check that was discovered uncashed from previous years' proceeds. There was some discussion as to whether we should place the funds in a money market account.


Vice President John Greene reminded the attendees about the HBC fall party on 11/04. He stated that there is a 60-person limit. The party is being held at the Harbor Boating Club. Cost is $40 per person until 10/21, and $50 after that date. There are 10 seats still available.

John also updated the assembly on the status of HBC member Bruce Feinberg. He stated that visitors from the membership are welcomed to see him, but requested they be limited to two at a time, with prior permission.

He reminded the membership that there is one more month of normal season riding beyond this one and that rides will start at 9:00AM in November, except for the Crankin’ Old Men rides, which remain at 8:30 AM year-round.


Larry Denbaum, ride chairman, suggested that we start riding earlier in the year to build endurance. He also touted the value of organized tours as builders of club camaraderie and as valuable interaction for our members both intrinsically and extrinsically. He pointed to the upcoming Bloomin’ Metric in early May as an example.

The Long Island Cares, Multi Club ride on November 4th was again announced. It was noted that the Club party is on the same day.


Sal Levy, Membership Chair, informed the assembly that our membership remains at 337. There were 4 new members and 4 members that did not renew this past month. He referred to this phenomenon as “dynamic equilibrium”. 


The membership was informed that voting for all officers and 2 Board members would be occuring in the beginning of November.  Steve Labiner stated that the pallet of candidates has been set based on Board recommendations and eligible nominations. Voting will commence on the website in the week preceding the November 14th Club meeting.


Webmaster Malachy O’Connor presented a web page accessible video that explains various computer applications that can be used on a smart phone. This includes setting up an icon on the home page to access the club website and organizing the icons on a phone home page.


Featured speaker: Doug Haluza gave a video presentation of one of his cross-Country ventures of over 4,000 miles including over 5 miles of vertical ascent. Very inspiring!


The 50/50 was won by Maria Farash.   

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Sincerely submitted,

Sal Levy

View this Newsletter on our Website at Club/Newsletters