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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 12/1/2023
Subject: Folks on Spokes, November, 2023
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

   A Message from the President
      November was very eventful!
 The Club party was a great success. The venue, food and camaraderie were spectacular. Thank you, John for coordinating (and decorating!) and Anthony, for getting us access to the boat club.
  The same day as the party was the rescheduled multi club LI Cares ride. It was a successful event for those who did it. An opportunity to ride with SBRA members, and visit some different routes. We're hoping to participate with them again, but a larger contingent would be more meaningful.
    The November Club meeting started out with a tribute to Steve Tobias, a longtime HBC member, and true Renaissance man. He dabbled in everything, including flying. His plane was visited on many rides to republic Airport! He also loved Bluegrass music, and played that genre on a couple of instruments, although not in public. Sal and I had the opportunity to perform for the meeting on them. Sal on his guitar, and I played his mandolin. We gave a performance of "Blue Moon of Kentucky", one of the most famous Bluegrass tunes. This is on the website, so grab some moonshine and take a listen!
    Thanks to Tom from Trek, who shared detailed information about the Shimano Dura Ace and Ultegra Front Derailleur recall. Go to the Homepage for his presentation, including pictures of what to look for on your own equipment. (Those of us with Campagnolo and SRAM are feeling kinda good right now!) His slide show is a comprehensive guide to many different  concerns of cyclists, and is worth your time to review. Also included in the  posting: Winter riding attire, winter specific maintenance of all bikes and E-bike classifications spelled out.
Trek offers discounts to all HBC members, so when you go there, have your membership card, or show him that you can log onto the webpage as a member in good standing.
    Thanksgiving was last week, and as we reviewed our finances for the year, I am so grateful that we could donate to so many charities this year! Kids Need More, New York Bike Coalition, The Dementia Society of America, The American Diabetes Association and Long Island Cares. This is the result of having a successful Gold Coast. When you think about the effort and time put into that event, just remember the payback! A note on the donations: Thank you's were erroneously sent out to everybody for donations. So, don't be deducting large amounts of money from your taxes, because it was a mistake!
  Thank you to Pat Kalvar for her years as Secretary, and a welcome to new Secretary, Pam Rogers. Our new Board member is Allan Pearlman, welcome! We are still in need of a a Social Director. if you are interested, email Malachy:
    Looking ahead, you will be receiving a survey concerning HBC Club involvement and preferences. Please respond, it will be really helpful for next year's planning. Our next monthly Club meeting will be in March, as will the Ride Leader meeting. The Gold Coast is scheduled for July 14th of next year. Contact Steve via if you want to get involved.(it's never too early!)
Rides will continue to be posted, and credit will be given to leaders and sweeps. Departure times are usually 9AM, but due to weather, they may vary.
    Have a great Holiday season, and I hope to see many of you on the road, dressed in layers with hotties on your feet and hands!
HBC members mourn the passing of long time member, Bruce Feinberg. He joined the club in 1992, and has been consistently involved in many operational aspects of our club. He was a ride leader, Board Member, Gold Coast equipment manager and rest stop volunteer, Sunshine Chair and all around team player.
He was a great car devotee, (had 2 Corvettes), and  more importantly, 3 Serottas.
Please take a moment to see some of the many pictures of Bruce on the Home page doing what he loved best, Bicycling.
   Tom from Trek, sharing Shimano recall pictures, winter clothing and EBike info.

 Happy November and December Birthdays to our members!
Erik Moore
November 29
Paul A Pepe
December 1
Brian J Katz
December 4
Patricia Wong
December 9
Maira Martinez
December 9
Lars A Olander
December 10
Frank DelBalso
December 10
Akash Duggal
December 11
Ellen M Furuya
December 12
Victoria C StrobelLane
December 12
Bradley Cole
December 13
Michael Rosenthal
December 14
Lisa felderman
December 14
Matthew Zullo
December 15
Mitchell Simon
December 18
Cammi Farash
December 18
John Siedlecki
December 19
David Madover
December 19
Justin Firmes
December 19
Bennett J Fins
December 21
Georgios Balanos
December 21
Mikhail Apelsinov
December 24

A tribute to Steve Tobias with his guitar and mandolin as only Sal and Karen can do!
              Malachy's Tech Corner

                  HBC Website Updates/Info

      HBC News & Information is now more visible on our Homepage. These are News articles covering Biking News, Member Info, Legal News and more. Currently we have two memorial posts for Bruce Feinberg and Steve Tobias who recently passed away. Trek’s info on the latest Recall, E-Bikes, and Winter Riding. There is an updated Executive Board Page with the 2024 club officers, the club Party pictures, Larry’s Group Riding article, an article about Bicycle, Pedestrian and Car safety and our HBC and LAB Blogs. LAB automatically posts their Blogs on our site, including Archives. These articles are updated periodically. You can also access these articles under the Club Menu.

      Documents are also listed under the Club menu. These Document folders contain Club Meeting Minutes, Board Meeting Minutes, Financials, various Member Documents, and our By-Laws. These folders are also updated on a regular basis. For example, if you need a Membership Card, they are available for download in the Membership Documents folder.

      We have a new Sunshine Chairperson, Maria Basile-Farash. She is learning to use several Admin functions of the website. She has access to the Member database so she will be able to send Sunshine related items and she is learning to use the Emailing function as well.

      We also have a new Secretary, Pam Rogers. She also is taking on some website Admin functions including the Documents Library and the Member Database.

       We are still looking for a Social Media Director. This position oversees and updates the HBC Facebook Group, the Gold Coast Facebook page, our Instagram Page, and our Strava Group. 
If you are interested in this position, please email:

              Larry's Couturier Corner

If you dress properly for riding in cold weather, the experience can be very positive!

·      My thoughts on riding in the colder weather:

 You can be miserable with cold hands or cold feet.  Some people will leave the ride early, simply because they did not dress properly. 

·      Feet and hands can become painful if they are cold.  

·      Know the temperature range for the ride.

·      Know the wind speed because it makes it feel colder.

·      For hands, try wearing a glove liner and then mitten on top with the chemical hand warmer inside.  As you hold the handle bar, you'll feel the heat. Another great option are the heated gloves which work great and the level of heat can be chosen.

·     People's tolerance to the cold elements varies.

             Consider purchasing/bringing to the ride:

·      Chemical hand warmers (Hotties) need a glove liner under a top glove or mitten

·     Chemical foot warmers     ("    )

·      Booties, shoe covers.

·      Battery powered gloves

·      Battery powered socks

              Now, looking at the temperatures:

If the ride temperature is between 40 and 50 degrees-

·      Warm riding gloves,  this can include gloves and a mitten liner on top. At the start use both the gloves and the liner. As it warms up you can take off the liner

·      For feet, wear wool socks and wear booties for the day

·      For face, a balaclava or gaiters around neck and face are recommended, but not really needed as it warms.

·      Pants, bib pants or long insulated tights.

·      Top, warm jersey with warm base layer that is wicking. 

·      You may be on the cold side at the beginning of the ride, but will  warm up as you go.

If the temp is from 33-43 degrees, this is when you have to be more creative:

·      I highly suggest using hand and foot warmers in this temperature range.

·      Wear a balaclava.

·      Chemical Foot warmers, or electric socks with booties on top

·      Gloves with a  mitten  liner or heated gloves

·      3 layers on top,  light base layer,   warm mid layer,  and warm outer windproof jacket

Matt's ride to St. James


  Minutes from the General meeting of the
Huntington Bicycle Club



The meeting was called to order by President Gellert at 7:22 PM


There were no new members present.


The minutes of the meeting 0n 10/10 were displayed, reviewed and accepted.


The President thanked Vice President John Greene for his outstanding effort in planning and executing a highly successful club party. She also thanked Anthony Oliveri for connecting the club to the Harbor Club venue.

The president then initiated a memorial to our recently departed and greatly missed member Steve Tobias. She spoke about his many contributions to our club and his numerous and diverse interests that included his love of bluegrass music. In light of that latter interest, she introduced the musical group of Gellert and Levy who gave a well-received rendition of the song, Blue Moon of Kentucky which they performed skillfully with the mandolin and guitar once owned by Steve.


John Greene then summarized the results of this year’s elections:

            The Board position vacated by Bruce Feinberg is being filled by Alan Pearlman.

            The Secretary position vacated by Patricia Kalvar is being filled by Pam Rogers.

All the other executive positions remain the same.


Anthony then presented the Treasurer’s report. The HBC is in good financial standing.


Sal Levy gave a brief membership report. He stated that the club is in  a state of static equilibrium; a normal state for this time of year.

Ride Chairman, Larry Denbaum requested that leaders keep posting rides which are now to continue year-round. He also gave recommendations for proper clothing when riding in the colder weather.


Webmaster, Malachy O’Connor presented new changes to the club’s email account. These changes improve ease of use, security and accessibility. Mal also presented Karen with the club's Top Snark award.


Tom of Trek Bicycles gave the feature presentation of the meeting. He focused mainly on winter road safety and comfort and on the Shimano recall of their Dura Ace and Ultegra cranks.


The 50/50 was won by Joe   

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Sal Levy

View this Newsletter on our Website at Club/Newsletters