A Message from the President
November was very eventful!
The Club party was a great success. The venue, food and camaraderie were spectacular. Thank you, John for coordinating (and decorating!) and Anthony, for getting us access to the boat club.
The same day as the party was the rescheduled multi club LI Cares ride. It was a successful event for those who did it. An opportunity to ride with SBRA members, and visit some different routes. We're hoping to participate with them again, but a larger contingent would be more meaningful.
The November Club meeting started out with a tribute to Steve Tobias, a longtime HBC member, and true Renaissance man. He dabbled in everything, including flying. His plane was visited on many rides to republic Airport! He also loved Bluegrass music, and played that genre on a couple of instruments, although not in public. Sal and I had the opportunity to perform for the meeting on them. Sal on his guitar, and I played his mandolin. We gave a performance of "Blue Moon of Kentucky", one of the most famous Bluegrass tunes. This is on the website, so grab some moonshine and take a listen!
Thanks to Tom from Trek, who shared detailed information about the Shimano Dura Ace and Ultegra Front Derailleur recall. Go to the Homepage for his presentation, including pictures of what to look for on your own equipment. (Those of us with Campagnolo and SRAM are feeling kinda good right now!) His slide show is a comprehensive guide to many different concerns of cyclists, and is worth your time to review. Also included in the posting: Winter riding attire, winter specific maintenance of all bikes and E-bike classifications spelled out.
Trek offers discounts to all HBC members, so when you go there, have your membership card, or show him that you can log onto the webpage as a member in good standing.
Thanksgiving was last week, and as we reviewed our finances for the year, I am so grateful that we could donate to so many charities this year! Kids Need More, New York Bike Coalition, The Dementia Society of America, The American Diabetes Association and Long Island Cares. This is the result of having a successful Gold Coast. When you think about the effort and time put into that event, just remember the payback! A note on the donations: Thank you's were erroneously sent out to everybody for donations. So, don't be deducting large amounts of money from your taxes, because it was a mistake!
Thank you to Pat Kalvar for her years as Secretary, and a welcome to new Secretary, Pam Rogers. Our new Board member is Allan Pearlman, welcome! We are still in need of a a Social Director. if you are interested, email Malachy: webmaster@hbcli.org.
Looking ahead, you will be receiving a survey concerning HBC Club involvement and preferences. Please respond, it will be really helpful for next year's planning. Our next monthly Club meeting will be in March, as will the Ride Leader meeting. The Gold Coast is scheduled for July 14th of next year. Contact Steve via goldcoastchair@gmail.com if you want to get involved.(it's never too early!)
Rides will continue to be posted, and credit will be given to leaders and sweeps. Departure times are usually 9AM, but due to weather, they may vary.
Have a great Holiday season, and I hope to see many of you on the road, dressed in layers with hotties on your feet and hands!
Karen |