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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 2/29/2024
Subject: Folks on Spokes, January, 2024
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

   A Message from the President
      Greetings to all, as March and the riding season will soon be upon us all.
Much has been going on behind the scenes with the HBC.
The first Club meeting of the year will be Tuesday, March 12th, 7 PM at the Harborfields Library. David Ackerman, from Active Chiropractic will be the featured speaker/presenter, sharing "back to riding" strategies.
This way we're all in shape soon. Now that's a stretch!
  The Board has voted to change the organization of the Ride Chairman position.For this season, the ride captains for each level, will be overseeing the ride leaders and posted rides for their respective levels. If you have a question or concern about a ride, contact your ride Captain. Larry will continue to collect and post the points. Larry has an announcement coming soon concerning ride postings by the month. That will be spoken about in detail at the March 12th meeting.
         Ride Captains:
Breezy-Sal Levy
A-Bruce Wessinger
B+-Larry Denbaum
B-Susan Farren
C/C+-Mike Shapiro
  There is a new Club Jersey in the works. Designs and order information will be on the website very soon. Fit kits will be at the March 12th meeting.
  The Gold Coast East is set for July 14th. It will have 5 routes, meaning there will be more volunteers needed. This translates to 2 more rest stops and more road markings. As soon as the volunteer page is posted, please avail yourselves!
Please take advantage of joining the B or C rider's email Forum groups. It is described below, and creates more direct communications between those riders.
Looking ahead: The April 8th Club meeting will be a repair station. People will be in charge of a table dedicated to basic repairs: Tire changing; chain cleaning and maintenance; Break maintenance; Gear adjustments; any requests? The May meeting will be a swap meet. Bring in bicycle items to sell/swap. There will be a Multi Club ride again this year, and the Covered Bridge ride information will be out soon.
Hope to see everyone at the meeting, so please sign up!
This year's Gold Coast announcement, now with an added 80+ mile ride out to Belle Terre

            Happy February Birthdays to our members               

Ronald White
January 30
Ken Abbott
February 1
Paul Lee
February 1
Terri Lawlor
February 2
Bridget Erlikh
February 3
Anthony Rizotto
February 4
Justin Famularo
February 6
Kayla Thomsen
February 7
Vince DeFranco
February 9
Tejas Ravishankar
February 9
Katelyn J Hughes
February 11
Maurice Martinez
February 14
Frank J. Quatela
February 17
Gregg R Fremed
February 18
Patty Venturino
February 20
Chase G Rowley
February 22
Patricia Coladonato
February 28

After meeting up with the Crankin' for coffee
It's cold out here!

 Malachy’s Tech Corner

We have something new just for our B and C Riders. We have come up with a system that will allow the B and C Riders to communicate just amongst themselves.

In order to help improve communications with the B and C riders we have added two new Forums:

 B Riders Forum, and C Riders Forum

Since last fall, after we changed our email hosting from GoDaddy to ClubExpress, our Forums now use an email address for postings. The Executive Board has been using this method on a regular basis for their Forum and it has been proven to be very easy and effective to use. It is a separate email group.

Basically, all you have to do in order to post in the Forum, is send an email to the Forum email address. You can still go to the Forum on the website as well, but that is no longer required for posting or replying to a post. You will not have to log onto the Website in order to send an email to the other B/C riders or Ride Captains/Leaders.

The purpose of these Forums is to create easier communication just for the B and C riders. 
 If you Opt-in to join one or both of these Forums, you will be able to receive, reply to, and send emails to the group. No one else in the club will see these emails.

 There are two ways to join these Forums. The easiest way would be to send an email to our webmaster, Malachy, saying you would like to join one or both of the Forums and he will set you up. The other way is to go to your Profile, set your Forum Preferences, then Forum Memberships and join that way.

The email addresses for these Forums are very simple:


The B Riders Forum:

The C Riders Forum:

However, you must be a member of the Forum to use these email addresses.

Obviously, this is only effective if most of the B and C Riders take advantage of this option.

So let Malachy know if you would like to join just the C Riders Forum, the B Riders Forum or both Forums by emailing him directly any time at:

 You can also go to your Profile and set your Forum Preferences and Forum Membership to join as well.

I hope most B and C Riders take advantage of this new feature.


Malachy OConnor



There's a reason they call it, "Breezy"

Timely Reminders of the 8 Road Bike Skills Every Rider Needs to Know

“It’s just like riding a bike” might be the most common cliche, but let’s be honest: Riding a bike is rarely as simple as rolling in a straight line. There are skill elements involved.

Instead of thinking about how far or fast we can ride, we don’t think about how precisely we ride.

Not only do bike skills require dedicated practice and awareness, they also require slow, steady progression.

Now, all you have to do is practice! 

1. Know where to look

This means scanning the road, not just locking your eyes on one distance. You’ll need to look down to check your time or your map occasionally, you’ll need to scan the immediate area in front of you for obstacles and debris on the road, and you’ll want to look further ahead to see if there are any changes in gradient or corners coming up. When riding in a group, knowing where to look is even more important: It’s so easy to focus on the rear wheel that’s directly in front of you, but in reality, you want to look further ahead, paying attention to any changes in pace or riders moving to one side to avoid an obstacle. Having a mirror will preclude you from turning around to check for cars behind.


2. Get comfortable with clipped-in pedals

If clip-ins are new, it is certainly a new skill to get comfortable with. For starting the process, ride on a relatively flat surface just to get your coordination set. Be in a middle range gear, and just work on keeping the momentum going. Practice starting and stopping-the most important skills! Remind yourself to, "Clip out!" If you understand the physics of the bike and how to use the momentum, you’ll stay upright. 


3. Learn how to corner

Cornering is something that even the top pros practice regularly to improve their outcomes. For a new rider, navigating a corner means getting around a turn comfortably and safely, while for a top pro, or John Greene, speeding around a corner without needing to scrub any speed can be the difference between a win or a 10th place finish. 

Cornering advice is usually to take corners as wide as possible, making the angle as gentle as possible so you don’t need to turn as sharply. But when you’re riding on open roads, it’s important to be very aware of opposing traffic and the yellow line in the middle of the road.

Slow down before the corner, trying to slow down while you’re in the corner can cause you to skid, so use your brakes to come to a comfortable speed before you start to lean into the corner.

As you approach a corner, stay on your side of the road but get as wide as you can coming into the corner, then ride towards the apex (the tightest part) of the corner and go wide again on the exit. 

Let your body lean into the corner (tilting toward the tightest part of the corner) and put your inside pedal up to avoid the risk of clipping a curb or debris on the road. Your outside pedal will be down.

The tighter the corner, the slower and more upright you’ll have to be, so don’t stress if you feel like a snail while you’re doing a U-turn.Practice all the different variations of corners so you’re ready for anything.


4. Make slowing down and stopping smooth

  Whether you have rim brakes or disc brakes, it helps to imagine them like a dimmer switch rather than an on/off light switch. The goal should always be to proactively brake, rather than need to brake abruptly, whether it's descending, coming into a corner, or riding up to a stoplight. Try Avoiding the panic response of slamming on the brakes. If you do need to come to a fast, abrupt stop, pull on both your front and rear brake, and shift your weight as far back on the bike as possible to counteract the force of your front wheel stopping. Otherwise, you may find yourself flying over your handlebars.

Getting accustomed to your brakes, you can play with using your front brake and your rear brake separately from each other. The front brake will stop you more abruptly, while the rear brake, when fully applied at speed, can cause you to skid or fishtail. In a real road situation, use them both simultaneously, please!

5. Work on drafting

The art of tucking behind another rider and using them to block the wind and save you energy is important for any road cyclist who wants to ride in a group. And it can be scary, especially at first! 

A few rules to keep in mind: keep a comfortable distance between your front wheel and the rear wheel of the rider in front of you.  Pay attention to your surroundings. Listen to the rider in front of you, because they may call out an obstacle before steering around it. You can also listen for shifting, which would indicate a change in gradient (a climb or descent) that’s coming up, and thanks to the screechy nature of disc brakes, you can often hear when the front of the group is slowing down. Whether you’re in the front or in the middle of a pack, modulate your speed carefully. Try to avoid sudden changes in pace, both when speeding up and slowing down. 

Don’t be afraid to speak up! If you need to go slower, let the person in front of you know. If you see a stick or pothole in the road and you have a rider drafting behind you, call it out!   

6. Practice climbing

Climbing is an important part of being an overall consistent and strong cyclist..

First of all, stay on the hoods or the tops of your handlebars when you climb: Bending over to reach the drops will limit your breathing and slow you down.  Focus on having a relaxed upper body, tension in your shoulders and neck is just wasted energy.

For the most part, it is recommended to stay seated. If it’s a short, steep climb where the top is in sight, stay seated if you can. You may want to stand just to change things up and give your body a break for a few strokes, but don’t stay standing for long—it costs too much energy. 

You don’t want to do a long climb in your hardest gear where you’re barely turning the pedals. Focus on the feel of smooth pedal strokes, pulling up and pressing down in an even motion. This helps you utilize all of your muscles.

Also, stop the urge to go out as hard as you possibly can. On longer climbs, pacing is everything. Try dividing the climb so the effort is not the same at each part, utilizing energy better. 

Practicing your climbing skills are similar to cornering: You want to mix up your situations. Climbing is a skill that is developed over time. This means riding long, short, gradual and steep climbs, rather than sticking to the same two-minute climb near your house.


7. Don’t forget about the descent 

Awareness is the key to a successful downhill, so even if you’ve been talking and listening to other riders, consider descending in silence so you can be better aware of your surroundings. Generally speaking, you’ll want to be in the drops on a descent, with your fingers still covering your brakes so you’re ready to modulate your speed as needed. The lower positioned you are, the more stable you are. You want your weight centered between your two wheels. Having one pedal down, pushing into that pedal adds a lot of stability. Switch which foot is down depending on if there’s a corner coming up. 

At the same time, you also want to be relaxed: Your goal is to “float” over bumps in the road rather than trying to fight them. This means keeping your core engaged, but leaving a bit of laxity to your limbs, letting them act as suspension.

When you do encounter a corner while riding downhill, safety is absolutely critical. If it’s a blind turn, assume that there’s a car coming in the other direction, possibly over the line. Adjust your speed early so you’re not braking while in the corner. It’s even more important to do this on a downhill because you’ll have more speed as you enter the turn.


8. Manage your hands

Eating and drinking while riding on the bike are skills that often gets ignored. Outside of nutritional recommendations, learning how to remove your water bottle and successfully return it to its holder can be tricky when you’re new to riding, as can getting that bar or gel out of your jersey pocket. Here are a few quick tips to mastering both skills:

Take advantage of every stop. Red light? As Gregg says, "Drink!"
Always keep your eyes where you want to go. Practice removing your water bottle and getting an energy bar indoors on the trainer, while looking ahead. Aim to keep the speed and momentum flowing. This is a skill that the more it's done, the more natural it becomes.


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