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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY

Date: 4/30/2024
Subject: Folks on Spokes, April, 2024
From: Huntington Bicycle Club

A Message from the President
With May comes the change in ride departure times:
 All rides now depart at 8:30. Just FYI, in June only the weekend rides will depart at 8:00 AM.
Crankin' and Breezy rides remain at 8:30AM.
Please purchase the new Club Jersey! Go onto the Website Store, and click on the newest Club Jersey.
If we get the minimum orders processed, Jerseys could be here in a month. We're almost there!
Gold Coast registrations are steadily coming in.
Now, sign up to volunteer. Chair positions are especially needed-Road markings and Food distribution, for example.
Below is a page from the New York Bike Coalition with links to advocate for those 2 bills that desperately need to be passed in the NYS Legislature: The Idaho Stop and 3 Foot Passing law.
May 7 meeting:
The next Club meeting will be dedicated to repairs on the road.
Tire changing-both tubed and tubeless; Gear, spoke and chain issues on the road; Drivetrain maintenance; Brake issues- both rim and disc. You can bring your bike or wheels if you wish.
Also at the May 7th meeting, Joe from the American Diabetes association may be be present to give a pep talk and vital information  about participating in the Tour de Cure, June 8th. HBC members are encouraged to sign up for the HBC team on their website. Steve Klein is organizing this effort. There is no minimum fee to participate, and it is a really great ride. Roads will be marked as well as the RWGPS routes will be given out when you register. 
Malachy's Tech corner concerns membership renewals and looking at your profile. Please look below for all that important information.
  Last month, people didn't sign up for the meeting until later in the day of the meeting. This meant that not enough pizza was ordered. To avoid that again, please sign up for the meeting by 11 AM.
  See you all on the road or at the May 7th meeting!

From the New York Bike Coalition
The “Take 30 Seconds” campaign to pass Stop as Yield (Idaho Stop) and 3 Foot Safe Passing is now live: 

And here’s the social media and support materials:

Each bill passed one house in 2023 and we need every cyclist’s help to get them over the hump.

Here’s a flyer with QR code for people to bring to their bike shops.

Elissa was roused from sleep for a performance of "Happy Birthday", courtesy of Sal and the Crankin. 

          Happy April and May Birthday Wishes to our members               

Verna Robinson

April 28

Michael J Cullinan

May 4

Joseph Coladonato

May 4

Susan Farren

May 5

Sydney Martinez

May 6

Monica Lecarie

May 7

Steven Siegel

May 8

Paul Panza

May 8

Samantha Gesuele

May 8

Jared Parrotta

May 9

Donnie Braunstein

May 10

Sean Cuiffo

May 11

Adam Frankel

May 11

Ricardo Rivera

May 11

Christine P Sullivan

May 13

Jonathan Herman

May 13

Wayne F Kellermann

May 14

Kathleen R Kissinger

May 16

Mike Savas

May 17

Rita Lee

May 17

Michael Weinstein

May 20

Michael Alster

May 23

Richard W Meyer

May 24

Anthony Nussbacher

May 25

Jeffrey S Goldstein

May 29

Gary Rauch

May 29

Ariena Thomsen

May 30

Karen H Gellert

May 30

Thanks to Bob for speaking about longtime HBC member, Alec Dick, who passed away last month. Stay tuned for the date of a memorial ride dedicated to him and including his son.

       Malachy's Tech Corner

HBC ClubExpress Member Profile


Many people just use the HBC website to sign up for rides and meetings. However, everyone should be aware that the online Member Profile is a place where you can modify your personal information and preferences as a member of HBC.

To access your Member Profile, you must first log in. Once you have logged in, the Login prompt in the top right corner is replaced with your name. Hover over your name and select Profile.

You can access the following in your Member Profile: Renew Membership, Expiration Date, Basic Member Info, Additional member Data, Member Directory Options, Username/Password, More Member Options, Histories, Forums, and Your Website Functions. Each of these items has additional options.

Look below for descriptions of all the Profile Functions every member has:

There are eight important Categories in your Profile:

Basic Member Information is where you modify your name, address(s), phone number(s), and email address. 

Additional Member Data is currently where you answer/change the question of would you like to join one of our ride level email Forums.

Member Directory is where you decide if and how much information you want to share about yourself with other club members.

Username / Password is where you can change your login information.

More Member Options is where you can store a Credit Card, choose to receive or block club emails.

Histories is where you can review your Transaction, Payment, Event, Donation, and Volunteering History.

Forums is where you set your Forum Defaults and Forum Memberships.

Your Website Functions is where you can manage your Interest Groups, Photo Albums, Classified Ads and Blogs

If you would like to publish your own photo album, click Photo Albums, Add Photo Album, complete the form and Save it. Then click the edit pencil to add photos. Once the album exists you can easily add photos from your cellphone. Member Photo Albums are displayed under the Photos Menu.

If you would like to place an Ad, click Classified Ads, Add Classified Ad, complete the form and save it as a Draft. Then click the edit pencil to add photos of the item and select Submit. Classified Ads are displayed under the Classified Ads menu.

If your membership is up for renewal, this is where you can do that.
First, if you owe money, a dialog box will appear when logging in.

If your membership is not due for renewal, you can do that early. There is a box on the top right that will let you renew early.

New horizons in helmet fashion (yes, it's under the hat)

Notice the Lighthouse, which is a design of the actual Huntington Harbor Lighthouse, designed by Anthony's son!
On the Ride Leader Jersey, which will have the colors reversed: more red than blue, "Ride Leader" will be under the Club logo.

  Minutes from the General Meeting of 

The Huntington Bicycle Club



President-Karen Gellert called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.

New member - Rock Busto introduced himself

Anthony - Treasurer’s Report
Overall in good shape but we like to donate monies from what we get from the GC; raised GC $5/category; will have more expenses with more rest stops; kept membership dues the same for this year

Karen Gellert
New jerseys - The fit is not forgiving - change from last 
meeting’s minutes

May 7, 2024 On the Road Repair Clinic. Ideas: • Changing a tire - with tube and tubeless • Chain Maintenance
• Replacing a Gear Cable for a Derailleur

• Brake Maintenance on the Road
• Truing a wheel that breaks a spoke

Karen asked for volunteers to run the various repair stations 

E-mail Forums for each level of ride have been pretty active 

Karen encouraged people to sign up for it
Reminded members of the Active Chiropractic New Patient

Special offered at the last Club Meeting

Jeff Erlitz - moved to accept the minutes from the March 12th meeting
Malachy - seconded

Alec Dick - member since 1989 – we lost him last week
Bob McLaughlin gave a tribute to Alec
There is a memorial Saturday in Chestertown
We made a donation to BikeCollective in Baltimore in his name - set inner city kids up with bikes and shows them how to ride them

Sal- Membership
• We have 339 total members including Rock out of which

83 are family 237 are individual and lifetime are 19


Malachy-Webmaster/ Social Media

  • Larry is drawing people in from MPBC

  • To order jerseys, need to indicate gender and size

  • Guest riders only allowed for Crankin’ Rides otherwise use

    Quick Release for unregistered guests

  • We have an agreement to get blogs from LAB and these

    are on our Blogs site along with HBC blogs

  • Trying to improve our Instagram posts

  • Strava Group - created many years ago; must be a club

    member to be in the group

  • Asked for anyone who is interested in helping with the

    social media

  • If someone wants to sign up and has lapsed a year, the system will show they owe for two years

  • Optional automatic renewal - we are going to turn this on so members can select this option, but need to check if a donation can still be made with the renewal, as per Larry

  • Storing credit cards now
    Rock - What about the receipt notification for auto renew,

    could we direct them to the donation page? Malachy - no. Malachy pointed out how to sponsor the Gold Coast and asked if anyone knows someone who would like to be a sponsor, please let them know.

    Steve Labiner – Gold Coast Report
    Gold Coast is July 14th - going East again this year; adding 85 mile route and an additional rest stop.
    Sent out letter to the municipalities and have not heard anything back yet.
    Reiterated how to get a sponsor to sign up. We also have brochures available to hand out.
    Very cost effective way to advertise.
    Need volunteers to sign up as well
    Everything is on the website - volunteer signup, sponsorship, sign up for the ride
    It is hard to sign up to volunteer on a phone - better to use a computer
    Karen - If you want to volunteer and do the ride for free, you must sign up to volunteer first
    Karen showed the poster for the Gold Coast - there is a QR Code on the poster

Aero bars - should they be banned on group rides since they take the riders’ hands too far from the brakes and not really in control. They are designed for solo rides on smooth roads Larry - He never really noticed people on the aero bars.

Steve L. motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:45PM and Larry D. seconded
Respectfully Submitted,
Pam Rogers, HBC Secretary

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