Minutes from the March 9, 2021
Meeting of the Huntington Bicycle Club
Meeting Commenced: 7:00 PM
President-Karen-Welcomes everyone back to the 1st meeting since 3/20/20, due to Covid-19
Thanks to Bill Nimmo for leading the Club through a difficult year.
All members are instructed to look at the proposed Changes to the Club By-laws, as posted on the Home page of the Website. The entire By-laws can be found on the documents tab. These changes will be voted on in April.
Need for mirrors while biking for safety (for themselves and others). (May be put into by laws as a requirement, as are helmets). Can also be sold at the meetings or club store.
For the first ride of the season please consider front and rear lights, and check tire pressure and wear.
Vice-President/Ride Chairman-Karen is speaking for John who is not here. There is a ride leader meeting at 7pm on 3-16-21. John and Malachy will be running the meeting about ride leading and the new website. Interested Ride Leaders should look at the guidelines spelled out on the Website.
Treasurer-Gregg – income this year will be from membership only.
Membership-Sal – over 50 new members with 290 total members.
Webmaster-Malachy showed how to sign up for rides through the Website. There is user flexibility to set up your own profile, and ability to make donations.
It is important to log in first, then you gain access to: rides, Folks on Spokes, Membership directory, Bike shops that support the club, store front that will be run by Owen (socks, mirrors, jerseys), the photo album for profiles, Contact page for officers and Go to videos to find out to sign up for rides.
Speaker: Daniel Flanzig, member and Bike Lawyer/advocate
Talked about the three foot rule for cars and bike riders (vulnerable person law). It is up for a vote on 3-16-21.
Everyone should contact their legislator to encourage the passage of this law
Steve shared a report on the Gold Coast – only for club members on July 10 and 11th. No ride support. Main need will be Ride leaders. All ride levels will be included. Rides will be capped at ten. Looking for sponsorship from restaurants along the route to support riders and the club.
8:30 PM Motion to adjourn: Scott; Seconded-Steve
Next Meeting-Tuesday, April 6, 7:00 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Patty Kalvar, HBC Secretary