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The Huntington Bicycle Club, NY



Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.
Small logo on T-shirt, Logo on one route sign or turn sign, Logo on HBC “Gold Coast” page, Sponsorship signs at the Start/Finish as well as providing your own “crew” to promote business, More prominent logo on both Gold Coast and HBC Website, Business samples: (water bottles etc., free memberships etc) can be included in the HBC “Goody-Bag”
Small logo on T-shirt, Logo on one route sign or turn sign, Logo on HBC “Gold Coast” page, Sponsorship signs at the Start/Finish as well as providing your own “crew” to promote business, More prominent logo on both Gold Coast and HBC Website, Business samples: (water bottles etc., free memberships etc) can be included in the HBC “Goody-Bag”, Larger logo on T-Shirt back Table at Tour Registration, Large sign allowed at Start/Finish, Distribution of sampling products/samples, including your staff to promote business, Large main logo on top back of T-shirt, Ability to post signage at all rest stops in addition to Tour RegistrationBrand mentions in all event press releases, 4 free entries to event and free VIP parking, Party package: entry to Gold Coast Tour Volunteers Party, Magnetic logo on all SAG wagons, provide
Small logo on T-shirt, Logo on one route sign or turn sign, Logo on HBC “Gold Coast” page, Sponsorship signs at the Start/Finish as well as providing your own “crew” to promote business, More prominent logo on both Gold Coast and HBC Website, Business samples: (water bottles etc., free memberships etc) can be included in the HBC “Goody-Bag”, Larger logo on T-Shirt back Table at Tour Registration, Large sign allowed at Start/Finish, Distribution of sampling products/samples, including your staff to promote business
Small logo on T-shirt, Logo on one route sign or turn sign, Logo on HBC “Gold Coast” page
Our General Fund supports the Growth and General operation of HBC. Please note that HBC is designated as a non-profit organization. Your donation may be tax deductible. Please ask your tax advisor for guidance on this. The amount shown on the next page is a suggested amount. Please feel free to donate a larger amount to help support our club.
Please consider donating to our Gold Coast Fund. A portion of the Gold Coast Fund proceeds will be donated to several charities including: Kids Need More, Dementia Society of America, The NY Bicycling Coalition, and Americans Diabetes Association. The amount shown on the following page is a suggested amount. Please feel free to donate a larger amount to help support our charities.